Genre: The Genre of this magazine is RnB. We can see this from the images used on the page. The photographs of Solange Knowles, the artist used is Beyonce's sister, and Beyonce is a massive name in RnB. The photographs show that Solange Knowles has attitude, we can see this from the pose. this also helps us identify that the magazine is RnB genre. The text which describes what the article is about tells us automatically that the magazine is of the RnB genre, 'The years best R&B albums'.
Target Audience: I think the target audience for this double-page spread would be females, aged between 15-19. I would say this due to the artist used. The target audience would obviously have to be interested in RnB music. I think the fashion of the artist also helps us identify that the page is more aimed at females that males.
Layout: There are 7 black and white photographs of Solange Knowles in different poses along the top of the two pages, with a larger photograph of her in colour on the right hand page. The photographs across the top of the page seem to break up from the columns of writing, and also makes the page look more playful, which could reflect the artists personality.
Media Language: All the photographs of Solange Knowles used on the double-page spread are long shots, taken from eye-level. The long shots allow us to see the clothing in which Solange Knowles is wearing, which is a main feature of RnB magazines, as this is something to identify with.
Representation: Only the large photograph of Solange Knowles is in colour, this makes that photograph immediately grab the readers attention. I think the artist is wearing red as this colour is associated with passion and danger, which automatically gives an impression of the artists personality. RnB artists have a stereotype of having an attitude, which is conveyed in this photograph by the pose she is doing, and also her clothing, with the use of the leather jacket over the red dress.
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