Dear Moderator ,

This is my AS Media Studies Blog. I have created an R&B Music Magazine, which you will find below.

My Research and Planning starts on 7th September 2011, which you can view here.
The start of my Evaluation starts on Thursday 9th February 2012, which you can view here.
My Completed Magazine can be viewed here.

I hope you enjoy my blog and my music magazine.

Alice Jones

Sunday 13 November 2011

Research and Planning: Artist Inspirations.

For my magazine, I have an idea of what kind of look I would like my magazine to follow. I would like it to appeal to the target audience, and I feel that females who listen to RnB already have Artists who they associate the genre with. These are Artists such as Nicki Minaj, Nicole Scherzinger, Beyonce and Rihanna. For my main style inspirations, I will be using pieces from all of these artists, as I feel these are some of the biggest female artists in RnB. I also want my magazine to convey a glamourous edge to my models, and I feel these artists are very glamour associated, and so this will feed into my magazine if I use these as inspirations.

If the main Artist which I use in my magazine follows the typical conventions and stereotypes of well known RnB artists, I feel that my magazine will appeal more to the target audience, and also they will be more aware that my magazine is of the RnB genre. The use of a model that has been influenced by other large scale artists will make the magazine have a more RnB feel, something which I would like to be conveyed to the audience. As the target audience for my magazine is mainly females, I feel may also help to inspire them.

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