Dear Moderator ,

This is my AS Media Studies Blog. I have created an R&B Music Magazine, which you will find below.

My Research and Planning starts on 7th September 2011, which you can view here.
The start of my Evaluation starts on Thursday 9th February 2012, which you can view here.
My Completed Magazine can be viewed here.

I hope you enjoy my blog and my music magazine.

Alice Jones

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Research and Planning: Plan of the Week

This is a plan of what I intend to do this week:
  • Upload the re-drafts of my magazine cover, contents page, and double-page spread, which I altered following the results of my Audience Research and Questionnaires.
  • I will also add a post to my blog which relates to the genre of my magazine, and the associations that come with that genre.
  • I will also produce a publication plan.
  • I will also do my model head-shots for my magazine.
  • I will also aim to add a post which shows the Inspirations I have taken from current Artists when creating my magazine

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