Dear Moderator ,

This is my AS Media Studies Blog. I have created an R&B Music Magazine, which you will find below.

My Research and Planning starts on 7th September 2011, which you can view here.
The start of my Evaluation starts on Thursday 9th February 2012, which you can view here.
My Completed Magazine can be viewed here.

I hope you enjoy my blog and my music magazine.

Alice Jones

Thursday 24 November 2011

Research and Planning: Make-up Examples

As I am doing a RnB magazine, I will obviously be putting make-up on my models, in order to give them the RnB look. As I have decided to concentrate on the more glamorous side to RnB, such as the likes of Beyonce, I will be using a more subtle look on my models.

I would like my models to have a smokey-eye effect, which I feel is something that is quite on-trend, and so would fit in with my genre, but also I think this look is very glamorous and so would match the look which I would like my models to have. As this is an RnB magazine, the appearance of the models has to be almost perfect, and so I think make-up is a very important aspect to my magazine. This is the type of look I will try and create on my model, in order for her to fit in with the genre more, and to look like an RnB artist.

Another look I may decide to consider would be a very light pink lipstick, as this is something associated with the RnB artist Nikki Minaj. I am unsure whether to try this look, as I think it is something very associated with the one artist, and as I am using a new artist for my model, I feel that it would not be a look that is totally new and I would like something a bit more refreshing. However I do like the look and I may decide to use it when it comes to doing my models make-up. An alternative look I may decide to use would be red lipstick, I feel this would be very striking and would convey more of an attitude of the artist. It would also stand out and show more individuality, something which is highly explored in this genre of music.

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