Dear Moderator ,

This is my AS Media Studies Blog. I have created an R&B Music Magazine, which you will find below.

My Research and Planning starts on 7th September 2011, which you can view here.
The start of my Evaluation starts on Thursday 9th February 2012, which you can view here.
My Completed Magazine can be viewed here.

I hope you enjoy my blog and my music magazine.

Alice Jones

Thursday 24 November 2011

Research and Planning: Location Details

For my magazine I would like to create a 'studio' effect. I would like a plain white background for my models to stand in front of in order to make them the centre of attention, but also to follow the types of shots I have researched. I feel the Mise-en-Scene for this will be quite minimalistic, but also will reflect the type of artist which my magazine targets. I think thiss look will be quite effective, and in order to create this, I will use White Lining Paper along both the wall and floor in order to make it look like an actual photography studio. I hope this look will work, as the major influences for my magazine, which are shots of well known artist.

This is an example of the type of background I am aiming for. I feel this makes the artist stand out alot and also highlights their individuality. In order to do this I will be taking my photographs indoors, which may slightly effect the lighting of my photographs as it would be artificial.

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